He was acquitted in New Orleans in a ‘trial of the century’. For those closest to him, the pain lingers | US crime

Monday marked four decades since late New Orleans furniture magnate Aaron Mintz heard a jury declare him not guilty of fatally shooting his wife in their bed, and his family is no closer to reaching a consensus on whether their patriarch was truly innocent.

Aaron and Palma “Pam” Mintz’s two children have neither forgotten nor forgiven the tabloid, media circus treatment to which their family was subjected after Pam Mintz’s death in 1984. One prominent voice in their community deemed the case “the trial of the century”, although it came a full decade before OJ Simpson was acquitted in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. So the Mintzes’ son, Bruce, and daughter, Karen, declined to reflect on the legacy of their mother’s violent death or their father’s acquittal, one of the most infamous in the lengthy history of New Orleans’s criminal justice system.

Yet sources with direct knowledge of their family’s thinking explained how a collective rush to judgment among authorities, neighbors and the news media – as they see it – robbed those closest to Aaron and Pam Mintz of approaching anything resembling the truth about whether their marriage ended in murder (as police posited) or a suicide (as Aaron Mintz, who died in 2003, always maintained).

“The pain has not faded with time – at all,” said one of the sources, who agreed to speak with the Guardian in hopes that the Mintz family’s experience reinforces lessons about the need for thorough official investigations and restraint from those chronicling high-profile trials.

Countless hours of therapy aimed at treating post-traumatic stress – and at preserving marriages strained in the case’s chaotic aftermath – were some of the lighter costs paid by those dealing with the loss of one parent and the public suspicion of another.

“For anyone who cares, words hurt,” the unnamed source said. “For a long time.”

‘Easy way to die’

Those who say Aaron Mintz was a murderer rooted their theory in well-plod tropes. As they told it, upon being confronted about carrying on an extramarital affair, the wealthy businessman grabbed his wife’s .380-caliber Mauser pistol, fired it through a foam pillow meant to act as a silencer, and shot her in the head, killing her.

Palma ‘Pam’ Mintz was found dead in January 1984. Photograph: New Orleans news archive footage

The speculation is that he then wiped the pistol clean, put the gun in Pam Mintz’s grasp, tried to hide the pillow in another bedroom nearby and falsely reported that his wife – a former fashion model – had died by suicide in their bed. Police maintained that his ruse fell apart when they found the bullet-pierced, bloodstained pillow haphazardly placed behind another, and prosecutors obtained an indictment charging Aaron Mintz with murder within days of Pam Mintz’s death.

Television news cameras captured video of Aaron being led into a courtroom in handcuffs after the indictment, and it was at that moment many in the city concluded he had murdered his wife, as noted in a 1984 New Orleans Magazine article, which provides an exhaustive account of the case.

Nonetheless, with the help of his deep pockets, locally renowned criminal defense attorney Mike Fawer, and a cast of his own nationally eminent forensic expert witnesses, Aaron Mintz mounted a furious counterattack to the state’s allegations against him.

They presented evidence that Pam Mintz was being heavily medicated to treat chronic stomach pains and depression, exacerbated by a long-held awareness of her husband’s affair. Fawer established that, late in her life, she had gone to a pharmacist, and declared: “I am never without pain,” and asked if there was “an easy way to die”.

Citing what a former coroner had once said to him, the pharmacist told Pam Mintz the easiest way to die by one’s own hand was a self-inflicted bullet wound to the head. The coroner shot himself to death three days after their exchange, according to the pharmacist. Pam Mintz, meanwhile, died two weeks after her conversation with the pharmacist.

A courtroom sketch of a bullet-pierced pillow at the center of the Mintz murder trial. Photograph: New Orleans news archive footage

Fawer ultimately suggested that Pam had shot a hole through the pillow at the center of the case outside her home before taking her own life. Then, the defense maintained, she placed it near her in the moments prior to turning the gun on herself to incriminate Aaron Mintz in a final act of resentment.

Aaron Mintz later told a jury that he moved the pillow into the other room after finding his wife – and before reporting her death – because “I just didn’t want to see it”.

“I don’t know what I was thinking,” Mintz would later testify with respect to an act that authorities pointed to as indicative of a guilty conscience. “I don’t know what I was doing.”

‘Ground up in the system’

Which of the accounts triumphed in court largely came down to the forensic evidence authorities had collected – or failed to gather.

Fawer established over seven days of testimony at his client’s trial just months after the killing that police did not find any gunshot residue on Aaron Mintz after testing him for the presence of it. Though the prosecution argued that Mintz simply could have washed it off his hands before police arrived, investigators altogether failed to test Pam Mintz for the presence of gunshot residue, leaving a jury of six men and six women to wonder whether that was a tactical decision to strengthen the case for the suicide theory.

Another of the more substantial flaws with the state’s case involved investigators’ failure to find any foam particles in Pam Mintz’s head wound or around her corpse. The prosecution’s theory – that Aaron Mintz shot his wife through a pillow meant to silence the sound – meant foam particles should have been found on or near her, but they weren’t.

Despite the investigation’s shortcomings, some of Aaron Mintz’s surviving relatives to this day recall vividly and bristle at how during the trial a newscaster said on air: “Aaron Mintz is still trying to pass off his wife’s death as a suicide.”

They also remain disgusted by how another of the station’s late personalities – usually revered for his straightforward, hard-hitting delivery of the news – surprised many viewers by suddenly dubbing the action in court “the trial of the century”.

Aaron Mintz’s family members directly attribute that sensationalism to the anonymous calls they would receive while at the home where Pam Mintz died that, to them, embodied many locals’ prejudgment. “One caller kept asking Karen how she could [be] in the house where her father killed her mother,” the 1984 New Orleans Magazine article recounted.

The trial’s final night, 1 July 1984, has become anthological within some quarters of New Orleans’ legal community. Expecting lengthy jury deliberations, Fawer and his entourage headed to a leisurely dinner after closing arguments. But the jury rendered its verdict in less than five hours, forcing Fawer to make a hasty return to the courthouse.

Aaron Mintz purportedly gasped “son of a bitch”, when the jury foreman announced the acquittal. As the 2019 podcast Combat in the Courtroom put it, Fawer maybe overate, overdrank or both – and he stumbled into the judge’s chamber to vomit all over his dress shirt.

He trashed the shirt, threw on a suit jacket over his bare chest, and faced the news media outside the courthouse to discuss a verdict that, for him, proved to be career-defining.

With his chest hair gleaming under his blazer, Fawer said to journalists gathered there that Aaron Mintz “was indicted before any … investigation”.

“I do not know where the steamroller came from,” Fawer added. “I think he just got sort of ground up in the system.”

One juror told the local newspaper that the tide turned in favor of Aaron definitively when a member of the panel “raised the possibility that Palma Mintz fired a bullet into a pillow outside the house to make it look like her husband had killed her”.

Nearby, another juror declared: “The state didn’t really prove their case to me – at all.”

Aaron Mintz offered his thoughts later at a post-trial news conference, saying: “More forethought should’ve been given to the handling of the case.

“I think I should’ve been given the benefit of our system – that I was presumed innocent until proven guilty – rather than, at this trial, [us] having to prove my innocence.”

‘Hurts to this day’

Reclined on a couch in the backroom of his house recently, Fawer fields the same questions that he’s gotten about the Mintz case in the decades since.

The New York native would never say he is 100% certain his client was innocent. But he is certain there was always more evidence to support his client’s defense than the state’s allegations against him, which would have sent him away to prison for the rest of his life if proven.

Fawer acknowledges the Mintz case led to other high-profile work. Another of his famous cases was that of Curtis Kyles, who was tried five times for the same murder. One of the trials resulted in a conviction and death sentence that the US supreme court overturned because prosecutors withheld evidence – the other four ended in hung juries, with Fawer representing Kyles in three of those deadlocks.

Yet Fawer said it is easy for him to avoid becoming arrogant about some of the successes he recorded in the courtroom.

Defense attorney Mike Fawer discusses the not-guilty verdict in the Aaron Mintz case on 1 July 1984. Photograph: New Orleans’ channel 6 local news archive footage

He alluded to how the jury foreman in the Mintz case, Glenn Boquet, served in the same role for the fifth and final Kyles trial in 1998. Mintz believed Boquet’s involvement could only help his client given the outcome of the Mintz case.

But he realized how wrong he was after, in a book about Kyles’ journey through the legal system, he read about how much Boquet despised the way Fawer conducted his business – the expensive suits he preferred to wear in court, the Bronx accent in which he spoke, and the theatrical way he made his arguments.

“Fuck Fawer” was how Boquet summarized his feelings for the attorney in an interview cited by the author of the Kyles book, Jed Horne. And, as Horne writes in Desire Street, Boquet said he tried to convince his fellow jurors to convinct both Mintz and Kyles – only to relent when he couldn’t persuade them.

“Shows what I know,” Fawer said, ruefully.

He said he had met relatively recently with the Mintzes’ children, who were in their 20s at the time of the trial. They described seeking a sense of closure. Fawer said he was unsure whether he had helped them achieve it.

Family sources say Fawer’s uncertainty was well-founded.

They know juries are instructed to acquit if there’s any reasonable doubt about a defendant’s guilt. But at least one member of Aaron Mintz’s remaining close family believes the acquittal morally made little difference.

“You won’t hear me say that Aaron was framed,” that source said. “Whatever happened, he is morally and ethically responsible.”

Another family member thinks that Pam Mintz has sole responsibility for her death if she indeed died by suicide, even if her husband behaved unethically and immorally.

“When people decide to do stupid things, it’s their decision,” that source said of Pam Mintz.

The sources note how Aaron Mintz in 1996 was fined $15,000 for pleading guilty to a federal racketeering charge after being accused of obtaining a license to operate video poker machines and using it to help mobsters conceal money.

He ended up marrying – and divorcing – the woman with whom he was engaged in an affair at the time his children’s mother died. His 2003 obituary, written by his son, doesn’t mention her. Her 2013 obituary doesn’t mention the Mintz patriarch.

Sources said Aaron Mintz’s second marriage was not the only one in the family which later failed at least partially under the weight of Pam Mintz’s death and the subsequent spectacle. Some of the struggles with depression and other ailments were, in essence, passed down to the next generation, who used therapy and other tools to battle them as best they could.

The sources said Aaron Mintz’s relatives cannot help but conclude that the polarized opinions between them about the meaning of their ordeal four decades earlier has at least something to do with how the truth behind their trauma took a backseat to narratives in service of other agendas – while media consumers seeking their next fix basically enabled them.

“That … can change the course of a person’s life,” one of the Mintz family sources said. “The hurt … felt then was palpable, and it hurts to this day.”

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North Sea oil: ‘We can’t have a repeat of what happened to 80s miners’ | Oil

“In this city, everyone feels the decline of the North Sea,” says Chris Douglas, 39, who has lived in Aberdeen his whole life and began working as a taxi driver in the Granite City 20 years ago. He now has his own cab company, which in the past was entirely reliant on bookings from the oil and gas industry – today it’s “maybe 50%”, he says.

“You only have to look around: there are industrial estates decimated, hotels no longer trading. The good days are long gone,” he says. “And no political party is coming along to say they are going to rejuvenate the industry. There are just different plans for how to close it down.”

The oil and gasfields in the North Sea are in terminal decline. Last year, the oil basin produced 34m tonnes of oil, its lowest since production in the North Sea was established in the 1970s. As its accessible fossil fuels dwindle, big oil companies have pulled out of the ageing oil basin. And despite the government issuing a rush of licences since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the amount of oil set to be extracted is rapidly shrinking.

Meanwhile, the climate crisis – fuelled by gas, oil and coal extraction – is accelerating at a frightening speed and the world’s leading scientists and energy analysts are clear: there can be no new oil and gas projects if humanity is to avoid catastrophe.

Union Street in Aberdeen’s city centre. The city prospered from North Sea oil. Photograph: Andreea Dragomir/Alamy

In the far north-east of Scotland, this combination of factors could spell disaster for the almost 60,000 workers supported by the oil and gas industry, their families and communities. For the past four decades they have prospered on the well-paid, secure jobs North Sea oil has provided. But now they are looking into an abyss.

“Most of my friends went into the North Sea industry because for them, and for their fathers and their grandfathers, it has always been seen as a sure thing. Does the green economy offer that same security, the same pay?” Douglas says.

This is a crucial moment for these communities, according to Joe Rollin, a senior organiser at the union Unite, which represents tens of thousands of oil and gas workers. “We simply can’t let these workers be the coalminers of this generation, with all the devastation to lives and communities that would entail,” he says.

This is the challenge facing politicians in Westminster and Holyrood before this week’s general election. How do they manage the inevitable and urgent decline of North Sea oil and gas – and can they ensure a just transition to new low-carbon jobs that are fully unionised, well-paid and secure?

For Mika Minio-Paluello, a policy officer at the Trades Union Congress (TUC), there is a lot on the line.

“Whatever happens to the people working in North Sea oil and gas, it is being closely watched by those in different industries and sectors – not just across the UK but also in other countries – to see if we can take working people on this journey.

“It is a test case in some ways, for the whole idea of a just transition, of what happens when we decarbonise … we simply can’t have a repeat of what happened to coal workers in the 80s.”

The end of the miners’ strike at Selby coalfield in Yorkshire in 1985. Many communities were decimated by pit closures under the Thatcher government. Photograph: World Image Archive/Alamy

The spectre of the miners’ plight after the pit closures in the 1980s hangs over this debate. The communities that were decimated when the then Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher closed the pits and smashed the coalminers’ union never recovered.

Arguably the stakes now are even higher. The escalating climate crisis demands a rapid end to fossil fuel production, but the populist right across Europe is on the rise and it has climate action in their sights – describing it as a remote, elite project being done at the expense of ordinary workers.

The UK’s main political parties are divided on the issue. The Conservative party is still promising to “max out” oil and gas in the North Sea by granting licences for new exploration every year. Meanwhile, Labour has promised to put an end to new licences, and raise taxes on the large profits being made by companies operating in the North Sea. The party is also promising “not a single job” will be lost during the transition.

In response, the Scottish National party has U-turned on its pledge to phase out fossil fuel licences and is trying to tread a “middle ground”, saying it will approve licences if they meet strict climate conditions – although most experts struggle to see how this could be possible.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the insurgent populist Reform UK party, is waiting to capitalise, vowing at his manifesto launch last month to axe net zero policies and fast-track licences to open up the North Sea.

“If we fail to do this transition in a way that takes communities with us, then we leave the way open for Farage and the far right,” said Minio-Paluello. “The risk of the far right culture wars building a wave of support on the back of our failure is very, very real.”

There is little doubt the writing is on the wall for the industry. Experts point out that the number of jobs supported directly and indirectly by oil and gas has more than halved in the past decade – from 441,000 to 214,00 – during which time the government has issued roughly 400 new licences in six licensing rounds.

According to the former head of the oil and gas regulator, new licences would make a difference to gas production only “around the edges”. Even BP’s former chief executive has said North Sea drilling is “not going to make any difference” to Britain’s energy security.

Ajay Parmar, a director at ICIS, a commodity data provider, says:“The UK’s oil supply decline has been in the works for decades. Labour’s policy will hasten the decline but only marginally.”

Climate activists protesting against drilling in the North Sea. Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian

Critics of the Tory pitch to “max out” North Sea oil claim it is part of a culture war framing what will only result in workers being stranded in a declining industry with no plan to save their livelihoods or communities.

Analysts and trade unions agree that unless it is managed properly, the transition will have a devastating impact on the Scottish economy. According to a report by the consultancy EY, which was commissioned by the Scottish government, North Sea workers have an annual average salary of £88,000, while those working in the oil and gas supply chain earn an average of £51,000 a year. This is well above the average annual salary of £29,000 in Scotland – and above the £42,600 average wage of employees in the clean energy sector, according to figures from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit.

As high wage oil jobs are replaced with clean energy roles, the gross value of Scotland’s employment sector could plummet from £19bn a year in 2019 to £12bn by 2050, according to the report.

For people like Dale Green, who has been working on the rigs for the past 22 years, those statistics could be life-changing.

“When I was growing up, the only option for me really if I wanted a good job, good money, was to work on the rigs,” said the 39-year-old scaffolder. “It has allowed me to move on from the council estate where I grew up and to be able to afford a decent life – to look after my children, get a house, get a car.”

Dale said he fears that unless the transition is properly managed the chances he has had will be denied to future generations.

“Taking away opportunities that someone like me has enjoyed, a scaffolder from a working-class community who grew up on a council estate – it could just decimate certain areas,” said Green.

If it wins the election, Labour plans to set up a taskforce with Scottish Labour, the big energy companies and the unions to “secure a future for every oil and gas worker”. It says the new jobs will mostly be in renewables, carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen.

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Wind turbines at the Seagreen offshore windfarm, under construction off the coast of Montrose in the North Sea. Part of Labour’s £7bn ‘wealth fund’ will be earmarked for wind power. Photograph: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images

The shadow climate secretary, Ed Miliband, has promised to base Labour’s planned state-backed green power firm, Great British Energy, in Scotland. And part of Labour’s £7bn “wealth fund” will be earmarked for wind power.

But the party has dropped its expertly costed £28bn-a-year green investment pledge, sparking concerns among unions and environmental campaigners about whether it had set aside sufficient funds to ensure a smooth transition away from fossil fuels.

Critics say Labour’s plans remain vague, that there is little or no industrial base in Scotland, and that there are currently very few renewable jobs to transfer workers to. They argue a well-funded, pro-active industrial strategy will be required to create the jobs in wind turbine manufacturing, installation and maintenance, as well as in the wider supply chain for renewables.

Unite says much more needs to be done. Its general secretary, Sharon Graham, refused to sign off the party’s manifesto at its “clause V” last month – in part because of fears Labour’s plans for oil and gas workers in the North Sea were too vague.

“We should not be letting go of one rope until we have hold of another,” said Graham earlier this year. “These types of transitions must have workers at the heart. Unite will not stand by and let these workers be thrown on the scrap heap.”

The union is running a grassroots “No ban without a plan” campaign across the north-east of Scotland calling for Labour to outline a more detailed and funded set of proposals before banning new licences. Last week, more than 200 small businesses published a letter backing the campaign and calling on Labour to spell out exactly where the jobs will come from.

Previously this position might have seen trade unions pitted against climate groups calling for a rapid winding down of the industry. However, behind the scenes there has been an unlikely alliance emerging. Last week, 60 leading climate organisations including Greenpeace UK, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Oxfam UK and Extinction Rebellion signed an open letter calling for a “clear and funded” transition plan for workers and communities reliant on the oil and gas industry.

The letter, which was sent to all party leaders, is based on a report created in consultation with workers and backed by Unite, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), and Unison Scotland.

A spokesperson for Unite said it welcomed “support from the climate movement”.

“We are fully behind a transition to greener energy, but this must be a fair transition, one that has workers and communities at its heart … we will continue to work with climate groups who are calling for ambitious government action on a just transition.”

Ruby Earle, from campaign group Platform, which helped coordinate the letter, said it shows “how far the climate movement and unions have come in building relationships”.

“Government support for a just transition cannot be an afterthought. A clear and funded industrial strategy, alongside publicly owned energy, is not only essential for workers, communities, and the millions of people living in fuel poverty, but also to ensure the transition happens within climate limits.”

Jake Molloy, a former oil and gas worker and trade unionist for the best part of 20 years, who now sits on the Scottish government’s Just Transition Commission, is at the sharp end of this emerging coalition.

“If I had suggested, 20 years ago [to his colleagues in the industry] that they go and meet Greenpeace or another climate group, they would have thought I meant for a fight because these groups were seen as wanting to destroy our jobs, our communities.”

But he said that had changed in the last few years, with a huge amount of work going on behind the scenes. Molloy said this had resulted in more and more climate groups recognising that the necessary transition away from fossil fuels could not be done at the expense of ordinary working people. At the same time, some unions and workers have accepted that the transition was both necessary and – if done correctly – positive.

“More and more people on both sides are realising that this is an industrial revolution on an unprecedented scale and that we need change – change so fundamental as to strip away the ideology that we’ve worked in for the last 40 years.”

Molloy warned that the many of the much-heralded “new jobs” in renewables simply did not exist in Scotland – citing a recent windfarm development which has been built, installed and maintained entirely by overseas companies and governments.

Tessa Khan, director of campaign group Uplift, said the next government needed to “get everyone around the table – the Scottish government, trade unions, worker representatives and affected communities – to come up with a coherent plan that works in everyone’s interests.”

Crucially, she said, the transition plans must be taken out of the hands of the oil and gas industry.

“The majority of operators in the basin invest nothing in UK renewable energy, but nor are they investing in UK oil and gas production. The record profits of recent years have gone to their shareholders, not to investment in the transition. [They] aren’t interested in creating clean jobs and growing the UK economy, but in making as much money as they can for themselves, for as long they can get away with it.”

Earlier this month the supreme court in London ruled the climate impact of burning oil and gas must be taken into account when deciding whether to approve projects. Experts say this is likely to be another nail in the coffin of North Sea oil and gas, making it it harder to secure new licences. It could even threaten some of those that have already been approved, including the controversial Rosebank oil and gas field, which is to be operated by Norwegian company Equinor. A Labour source said that if the party did form the next government, and Rosebank was still in the balance, then ministers could refuse the remaining consents it needed to operate.

Molloy, who has spent years working on a just transition for his colleagues in the industry, said that whatever the result in this week’s election it was essential that politicians and corporations were not able to pit those worried about the climate crisis against those who wanted to ensure a decent future for workers, their families and communities.

“I‘ve got four grandsons who will never forgive me if I get this wrong, and I’ve been trying for considerable time to get it right, because their future – and that of millions around the world – relies on us getting this right.”

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When to shower, who to hug, how to get served … 24 things we learned about the world at Glastonbury 2024 | Glastonbury 2024

You should never flex about how much sleep you got
If someone had a headache, you would never reply: “That’s funny, my head feels great.” For some reason, any mention of insomnia will unleash a chorus of: “I slept like a baby!”; “Soon as my head hit the pillow!” It’s annoying at any time, but at festivals, the sleep-deprived hit critical mass, and they will turn. If you can sleep through anything, keep quiet about it. Let your bright eyes and dewy complexion do the talking.

Natural deodorant is no match for outdoor life
In any bucolic idyll, you might be tempted to eschew chemical assistance in favour of tea tree or bark or whatever. Fine, go for it, but after half an hour in a festival field, stomping between stages, don’t expect to smell like anything but your own sweet self.

Scissors bar. Photograph: Alecsandra Raluca Drăgoi/The Guardian

There is limitless demand for a lesbian bar
Scissors, co-created by Laura Woodroffe, is the first lesbian bar in the festival’s history. I know, weird: were the 80s asleep? Anyway, it had it all – a hairdresser, a pool table, a secret nightclub – and anyone would join that queue. But how many people would stay in it all weekend? A lot, as it turns out.

You should shower before you go to bed – even at home
It feels so wrong, like eating cereal for dinner, or wearing your clothes inside out. But once you’ve broken with the custom of the morning being your clean-time, you’ll find this is liberating, actually. Particularly if you never liked getting wet in the first place, you can go to sleep and forget it ever happened.

Adults, given a ball, will play with it (see also: given confetti, will keep it)
They think they’re so grownup, adults, with their time-keeping and their protein shakes. Throw a giant inflatable football into a crowd of them, however, and they’ll play keepy-uppy with the demonic intensity of a cat.

You shouldn’t wait for a ­musician to tell you to hug each other; just do it
Cynic you: “Tsk, they learn this in stage school. Any time a performer needs a bit of a breather, they tell everyone in the audience to turn round and give each other a hug.”

You, hugging your friend: “Man, I love this friend. Why don’t I hug them more often?”

You, hugging a stranger: “You seem nice, would you like some chewing gum?”

Why not synthesise all these selves and just hug people more often?

10,000 steps is so last decade; if you can walk 10k, you can walk 30k
Think big. Stop being in such a rush, with your transport and whatnot.

If you lose your voice, you should try not talking
It feels like such a badge of honour, losing your voice after yelling all night, and then you get into clarifications (“I wasn’t screaming at the Bootleg Beatles, I was screaming at Little Simz”), and then you essay a fake apology (“Sorry I’m so husky, I’ve been having an insane amount of fun, you see”). The thing is, though, nobody can hear you.

Get that Brat look. Photograph: Laura Snapes/The Guardian

What Brat Girl Summer means
Charli xcx defined the brat as someone with: “A pack of cigs, a Bic lighter and a strappy white top with no bra,” and it’s her album, so she should know. However, it’s taken on a life of its own, with people making their own Brat merch and appropriating the post-Covid idea of a Hot Girl Summer. To have a Brat Girl Summer, yes, first smoke and wear no underwear; beyond that, there’s no list of rules to break, but whichever one you do, it needs to be in a knowing and triumphant way.

Being in a girl band makes you immortal
No, no, I don’t mean Mel C looks great, or the Sugababes can still pull a surprising crowd. They just all have a quality of undimmable life force that makes it really hard to imagine them subject to that oldest of human frailties: mortality.

It’s up to you if you like Coldplay … Photograph: Samir Hussein/WireImage

A certain type of man will cross the road to tell you why you shouldn’t like Coldplay
He probably won’t be part of your group, but he’ll overhear you talking to your friend, or maybe on your way to see Coldplay. He’ll explain how they’re very hackneyed, actually, and more like children’s entertainers these days. But then he’ll double-back and say even at the beginning, they were rubbish, and he’ll list some other bands you should like instead. These will be nothing like Coldplay. In the old days, before the internet, if he was in your house, this man would throw your Coldplay CDs out of the window. You shouldn’t have let this man in your house. In the really old days, before Coldplay, this man would have crossed the road to tell you why you shouldn’t like Philip Larkin.

In a crowd, you must learn when to stop pushing
Fortune favours the brave and all that; you definitely shouldn’t stand at the edge like a dormouse, daydreaming about the mosh. But being able to judge the exact number of dirty looks you can take before you accept your place in the crowd is a life skill, which will also serve you at busy stations and royal events.

Men’s football puts people in a bad mood; women’s football puts them in a good mood
It was a constant matter of debate, whether or not Glastonbury would show the England game on Sunday evening, and half-fans thought they should, and full-fans thought they shouldn’t, because it would stink the place out if they lost, and non-fans didn’t care, and all fans of women’s football said: when they screened the Women’s World Cup at Green Man last year, England lost, and everyone still finished in a wild good mood. QED.

The crowd watching Peggy Gou on the Park Stage. Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

The moustache is back (again)
When young men first started sporting moustaches, it was so that, if they got lost, you would know to return them to east London. For a while after that, it was ironic, and then all the men started doing it for charity. Now they’re just doing it because they think it looks nice, which a lot of them do. Well done, moustachioed men.

There’s always one person who overperceives risk
In normal life, this is the person who’ll tell you your shoelaces are undone, or that the zip on your bag is open, and you have to rectify the sloppiness and thank them, even though you were pretty happy as you were. At festivals, these people go into overdrive and see danger everywhere, their minds constantly fast-forwarding to the moment where the bin attracts a rat and then, wham, everyone has cholera.

I watched, rapt, at LCD Soundsystem, as a woman told her friends that someone had better pick up that orange, in case someone trod on it. One did pick it up. But now what? Sadly, the second lady had a low perception of risk, and she threw it and it hit someone on the head. It would have been better to leave the orange where it was.

There’s always your next meal to look forward to … Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

It’s OK to settle, with food
Don’t sweat it, if you had a mac and cheese that tasted like elastic bands made of Dairylea. Your appetite is infinitely self-replenishing. It will find love again.

Come on, what’s not to like? Photograph: Jim Dyson/Redferns

Fireworks never get old
You might think that unpredictability is the main component of excitement, and therefore fireworks, being entirely predictable, are no longer for you. This is incorrect. You know what Gandhi said – even a single indoor sparkler is better than no sparkler.

You know the notion: take your litter home with you? You can take your festival personality home with you as well
Perhaps you were warmer and more open, in the festive environment; readier with a smile, more tolerant of loud noises and unexpected turns of event, more positive in outlook. You know you can also be like this at home, right?

Pick up your litter – and your festival personality. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA

There’s a right and a wrong way to lend, steal, borrow or unplug a charger
Let’s imagine someone needs a charger: emphatically do not start: “Let me have a look.” First, find out exactly what they need; USB-C, lightning or micro or something else? Do they need the base or just the lead? The minute you say you’re going to look for something, in their heads, that means you’ll find one: so when you don’t, you’ll live on in their heart as nothing but a massive disappointment.

If you ask to borrow something, don’t over-invest in the lender, because they probably won’t have read my first rule, and the likelihood is they won’t have one.

In a power-sharing environment, never unplug anything below 25%.

There’s a trick to getting served
This is the scene; you’re right at the front of the bar, but there are 20 of you and only three staff; if you’re not confident you can be served next, field it. “That person’s next,” you say, winningly, pointing to your neighbour. You’re then guaranteed to be served after that.

You need to learn some people’s names
Anyone you’re going to see regularly – if you like the same coffee place, regularly go through the same turnstile – introduce yourself, remember whatever name comes back. That way, if you ever want to say “thank you”, it’ll sound like you mean it.

You should alternate your shoes
Always take two pairs with you, and switch them. It keeps your feet on their toes.

… and share your sunscreen
You can go wild with generosity: it’s like the magic porridge pot, sun cream – it never runs out. Also, if you have your act together, packing two of any light essentials (sunglasses, lip salve, vape juice if you’re that kind of lowlife, wet wipes) will make you much more popular than you objectively deserve to be.

And stretch … Joe Wicks leads an exercise class at Glastonbury. Photograph: Maja Smiejkowska/Rex/Shutterstock

It’s goodbye novelty yoga, hello (again) Joe Wicks
Power ballad yoga was the end point of silliness for the apparently ageless meditative exercise that seems to need to constantly refresh itself with goats and nudity. Joe Wicks, on the other hand, once the saviour of lockdown, now bringing his workouts to festivals, needs nothing but his own alarming energy.

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Rescue team cuts 800kg of tangled ropes and buoy from humpback whale off Gippsland coast – video | Whales

The full-size adult whale was first spotted a week earlier with approximately 200 metres of rope and fishing buoys wrapped around it. In a multi-agency operation, rescuers were able to free the animal of 800kg ropes and buoys. However, because of how the rope was wrapped around the whale and safety concerns for rescuers, the crew were not able to disentangle all of the rope. Ellen Dwyer, an incident controller in the rescue team, says they are ‘pleased’ they have been able to ‘successfully remove a significant amount of weight and rope from the whale’

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Humpback whale tangled in 800kg of fishing equipment rescued off Gippsland coast | Whales

A humpback whale which became tangled in 800kg of fishing equipment has been rescued off the Gippsland coast, almost a week after it was first seen to be in trouble.

The whale was spotted near Loch Sport in Central Gippsland on Sunday 23 June by a commercial helicopter, but then disappeared until Friday when it was seen near Lake Tyers off the south-east coast.

A large-scale rescue operation, run by specialised whale disentanglement crews from the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Victorian Fisheries Authority and Parks Victoria, began by attaching a tracker to the whale so they would not lose it again.

On Saturday the team cut off 800kg of tangled ropes and buoys, which had severely restricted the animal’s ability to swim. Police lifted the equipment out of the water with a crane to make sure it was not dangerous to other vessels or wildlife.

The DEECA incident controller Ellen Dwyer said rescuers removed approximately 185 metres of the 200 metres of rope the whale was believed to be entangled in, as the animal was “moving around a fair bit”, making it difficult for the rescue team to approach from a closer distance.

She said despite being tangled in rope and buoys, the whale was in “good spirits”.

Specialised whale disentanglement crews from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Victorian Fisheries Authority and Parks Victoria ran the rescue operation. Photograph: Victoria police

Insp James Dalton of Victoria’s water police said the search was completely different to the ones they were used to.

“The whale was so tightly tangled in the ropes and it wasn’t travelling very far so we knew it was in real distress,” he said.

“To safely cut the ropes away, we needed to return the following day to ensure we could successfully remove enough of the rope that it could swim freely again. This was a huge team effort and we’re so happy that it had a great outcome.”

Whales are recorded to live beyond 50 years but some of the biggest risk factors to their lives are human activities including fishing gear, boats and pollution and natural predators such as orcas.

The marine tour operator Peter Lynch said “this year we expect to see more whales than in previous years”.

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“It’s a recovering population and it’s another success story that Australia and Queensland should be proud of,” he said, referring to the population growth of 500 – when hunting was banned – to approximately 35,000-40,000 whales today.

As whales migrate up the east coast in search of warmer waters, more than 127,000 domestic visitors were expected to travel to see the whales.

There had already been a 37% increase in interest in nature-based tourism this year compared to 2023.

It was expected to bring $5.6bn to the Queensland economy.

“Not only is it good for tourism … [and] our visitor economy, but it educates people on the importance of the delicate ecosystem,” the Queensland tourism minister, Michael Healy, said.

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US accused of offering Boeing ‘sweetheart deal’ over fatal crashes | Boeing

The US Department of Justice is set to charge Boeing with fraud, but plans to offer the planemaker a plea deal, according to sources familiar with the matter – have infuriated the loved ones of hundreds of passengers who died in two fatal crashes five years ago.

Boeing will be granted until the end of this week to decide whether it will plead guilty to the charge and avoid trial, officials told families of those on board the fatal Lion Air flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 that claimed 346 lives.

Attorneys representing the relatives accused the federal government of cooking up “another sweetheart plea deal” with Boeing. On a conference call on Sunday, one official is said to have been asked by a family member how he sleeps at night.

Relatives were briefed on the terms of the proposed deal during the call: Boeing would pay a fine, face a three-year term of probation, and work under a corporate monitor, according to two sources.

The terms unleashed a wave of anger. “The memory of 346 innocents killed by Boeing demands more justice than this,” said Paul Cassell, who represents the families of 15 crash victims.

Erin Applebaum, another attorney acting for relatives of those lost, attacked the proposal as “shameful” and said it “completely fails to mention or recognize the dignity” of the victims.

The families will make the case to a judge, and the wider public, for this deal to be rejected, Applebaum said. “And when there is inevitably another Boeing crash and DoJ seeks to assign blame, they will have nowhere else to look but in the mirror.”

The justice department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday. Boeing did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The two crashes of Boeing’s 737 Max, in October 2018 and March 2019, killed 346 people. It prompted the worldwide grounding of the jet for almost two years.

In 2021, the justice department and Boeing reached a controversial deal that protected the company from a criminal conspiracy charge to commit fraud that arose from the two crashes.

Earlier this year, however – as the company came under intense scrutiny after a brand-new 737 Max jet was forced into an emergency landing when a cabin panel blew off mid-flight – the justice department said Boeing had breached this agreement.

The deal it has been offered “appears to be a sweetheart deal”, said Sanjiv Singh, counsel for 16 families of crash victims, citing a request for the Department of Justice to independently appoint a corporate monitor of Boeing, rather that permit the company to nominate its own candidates. “I am stunned that the department deflected our demand and fell back on ‘oh it’s policy’,” he said.

Relatives of those who died “will strenuously object to this plea deal”, said Cassell, who described the agreement as a “no-accountability-deal”.

“The deal will not acknowledge, in any way, that Boeing’s crime killed 346 people,” Cassell said. “It also appears to rest on the idea that Boeing did not harm any victim.”

Separately, as Boeing continues to grapple with the crisis triggered by January’s cabin blowout, Reuters reported on Sunday that it had agreed to buy Spirit AeroSystems – a key supplier – in a deal which values the firm at more than $4bn.

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England 2-1 Slovakia: player ratings from the Euro 2024 last-16 match | Euro 2024

England (4-2-3-1)

Jordan Pickford (GK) Bemused by everything that unfolded in front of him. No chance with Schranz’s goal. 6

Kyle Walker (RB) Dreadful passing and he was repeatedly exposed by Haraslin. But hurled in throw for equaliser. 4

John Stones (CB) Looked like his mind was elsewhere. Awful distribution. Knuckled down in extra-time. 4

Marc Guéhi (CB) Suspended for next round after Trippier’s hospital ball. Beaten before Slovakia’s goal. Then a big assist. 6

Kieran Trippier (LB): Unlucky not to get an assist. But lack of left foot a problem all tournament. 4

Kobbie Mainoo (CM) Did not protect defence well but he showed personality on the ball. Drove England forward. 6

Declan Rice (CM) Faced with too many runners. Struggled in possession, hit post. Better when England led 2-1. 5

Bukayo Saka (RW) Teammates too slow to find him. Flickered at times. Unselfishly played left-back and right wing-back. 6

Jude Bellingham (AM) Frustrating for long spells. Then saved England with an absurd bicycle kick. Who else indeed? 7

Phil Foden (LW) Thought he had equalised, only for VAR to intervene. Ineffective on left. Final product poor. 4

Harry Kane (CF) Had a shot blocked, missed a sitter. Off pace. Scored the winner. Work that out. 6

Substitutes: Cole Palmer (for Trppier, 66) Offered creativity after his belated introduction. Should have started. 7; Eberechi Eze (for Mainoo, 84) Flashed the ball back into the box for England’s second goal. Had to play left wing-back. 7; Ivan Toney (for Foden, 90+4) Spooked Slovakia after coming on in added time – such a smart assist for Kane, 7; Conor Gallagher (for Kane, 105), 6; Ezri Konsa (for Bellingham, 105) 7

Ivan Toney, who caused Slovakia problems after coming off the bench, tussles with Norbert Gyomber. Photograph: Bradley Collyer/PA

Slovakia (4-3-3)

Martin Dubravka (GK) Barely had anything to do before England’s goals. Strong in the air, relieving pressure at set pieces. 6

Peter Pekarik (RB) Caught out of position for England’s disallowed goal. Missed a glorious chance to equalise. 6

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Denis Vavro (CB) Made an important block when Kane threatened. Stood firm but resistance faltered at the end. 6

Milan Skriniar (CB) The Paris Saint-Germain centre-back shone, only for Bellingham to take over. Toney unsettled Slovakia too. 6

David Hancko (LB): Overlapped and shot wide. Had the unenviable task of marking Saka and Palmer. Kept going. 7

Stanislav Lobotka (CM) Ran midfield during the first half, knitting everything together. England could have done with his intelligence. 7

Juraj Kucka (CM) Headed on for the opener. Involved in plenty of clever moves. Picked up early booking. 7

Ondrej Duda (CM) Slovakia’s mastery of midfield owed much to them playing as a team. Fought hard but tired. 6

Ivan Schranz (RW) Continued his goalscoring form by running through to beat Pickford. Stole limelight from England’s stars. 7

David Strelec (CF) Split England with lovely ball to Schranz. Almost scored from halfway line after a mix-up. 7

Lukas Haraslin (LW) Dangerous before going off. Kept bursting behind on the left. Nutmegged Walker at one point. 7

Substitutes: Robert Bozenik (for Strelec, 62) 6; Tomas Suslov (for Haraslin, 62) 6; Laszlo Benes (for Duda, 81) 6; Matus Bero (for Kucka, 81) 6; Norbert Gyomber (for Schranz, 90+3) 6; Lubomir Tupta (for Pekarik, 109) 6.

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Rare white buffalo sacred to Lakota not seen in Yellowstone since birth | US news

A rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone national park has not been seen since its birth on 4 June, according to park officials.

In a statement released on Friday, the National Park Service (NPS) confirmed that a white buffalo calf was born in Lamar Valley earlier this month, adding that the park’s buffalo management team had received numerous reports of the calf on 4 June from park visitors, professional wildlife watchers, commercial guides and researchers.

However, park staff have since not been able to locate the calf, with the NPS saying: “To our knowledge, there have been no confirmed sightings by park visitors since June 4.”

The calf is leucistic rather than albino and thus contains black eyes and hooves with some pigmentation.

According to the park, the birth of the calf was a rare natural phenomenon that only occurred once prior to the near extinction of bison in the late 19th century. Describing the event, the park said the birth in the wild is a “landmark event in the ecocultural recovery of bison” by the NPS as a white calf had never been born within Yellowstone national park.

The park added that the calf’s birth may reflect the presence of a natural genetic legacy that was preserved in Yellowstone’s buffaloes, which has revealed itself following a successful recovery of the wild buffalo population of 3,000 to 6,000 animals.

In the wild, the chances of a wild buffalo calf being born are 1 in 1 million births, if not less. According to the park, about one in five buffalo calves die each spring shortly after birth due to natural hazards. However, park officials did not disclose in their statement whether they believe the calf has died.

Earlier this month, several Indigenous nations held a spiritual ceremony near Yellowstone national park in which they honored the birth of the calf.

Those in attendance included representatives from the Colville tribes in Washington, Lakota and Sioux in North and South Dakota, Northern Arapaho in Wyoming and Shoshone-Bannock in Idaho, the Associated Press reports.

At the ceremony was a painting of a white calf on a hide with the words “Wakan Gli”, or “Return Sacred” in Lakota.

Arvol Looking Horse, a spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota peoples in South Dakota, watches a tarp fall, revealing the name of the white buffalo calf during a naming ceremony in West Yellowstone, Montana, on 26 June 2024. Photograph: Sam Wilson/AP

According to Lakota legend, around 2,000 years ago, when food was scarce, the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared and gave a bowl pipe and a sacred bundle to people and taught them how to pray. She then promised to return again for the sacred bundle in the forms of a black buffalo, a yellow buffalo, a red buffalo and eventually as a white buffalo calf.

Chief Looking Horse, the 19th keeper of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe, said that the holy woman told people: “The next time I stand upon the earth as a white buffalo calf that nothing will be good no more,” the New York Times reports.

The birth of the calf marks a prophecy that “because Mother Earth is sick and has a fever … she’s going to speak to these white animals for peace and harmony”, he added.

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Bellingham and Kane rescue England in dramatic extra-time win over Slovakia | Euro 2024

Who else? Jude Bellingham mouthed the words during the wild goal cele­brations and it was a good point well made. It simply had to be Bellingham, England’s golden boy, ­rescuing the team, the nation and surely Gareth Southgate, too, with an act of comic‑book brilliance just when all seemed lost.

The board had gone up to show six additional minutes at the end of the 90, England trailing to Ivan Schranz’s goal for Slovakia midway through the first half and the ­obituaries were being written. Hell, they had been written.

Enter Bellingham. It had not really happened for him up to that point, although he was hardly the only England player to have struggled. Yet the 21-year-old refused to believe it was over. Who else shared the same conviction? Be honest now …

It had been a largely horrible per­formance by Southgate’s team, of a piece with much of what they had produced during the group stage of this tournament. But when Marc Guéhi flicked on a long Kyle Walker throw‑in, that ­stoppage time showing, Bellingham had found the space in front of the penalty spot and he leapt into the overhead kick. The technique was exquisite.

England had their reprieve and a historic moment, such a critical goal so late in a knockout tie. When the chips are down, England have tended to subside. Not here, and they turned the screw at the start of extra time.

Harry Kane had laboured as much as any England player; he continues to look short of peak fitness. But when two of Southgate’s substitutes combined, Ivan Toney heading a miscued Eberechi Eze shot across the six-yard box, there was Kane to crash home with his head.

Southgate will bring up his 100th game as England’s manager when his side faces Switzerland in the ­quarter‑finals on Saturday. This was emotional. Have England finally found something to spark them?

The narrative had taken in the only previous tournament meeting between the nations, the 0-0 draw in the final group stage tie at Euro 2016, which led to England being leapfrogged by Wales to top spot. It stood to mean a tougher last‑16 draw for Roy Hodgson’s team only for Iceland to emerge. Which would be all right, wouldn’t it? On a small level, Iceland had helped to usher in the age of Southgate. Bellingham ensured it would continue, at least for another game.

England felt the nerves hammer at the outset. It was all so loose from them, errors on the ball, the ­referee, Umut Meler, looking edgy, too, ­showing early yellow cards, ­including one for Guéhi – his ­second of the tournament, meaning he will be suspended for Switzerland. Guéhi had been played into trouble by Kieran Trippier and he had to jump in on David Strelec; it was a kind of tone‑setter from Trippier for ­England’s passing.

England were a tough watch in the first half, slow to move the ball and it was because the options were not there. Too often, they checked inside, the England fans in the crowd – and there were many more than the ­official figure of 6,500 – feeling the twist of frustration.

Jude Bellingham rescues England with an overhead kick in stoppage time. Photograph: Ina Fassbender/AFP/Getty Images

There was a moment on 29 ­minutes when Jordan Pickford came all the way out of his area to make the extra man in a buildup move; he visibly implored greater urgency, and soon after there were howls from the stands when Trippier looked up the left, gestured that nothing was on and went back.

There were heated discussions between some of the England ­players, which strangely were played as a montage on the big screen towards the end of the first half. England were booed off at half-time, having failed to muster a shot on target.

Slovakia had advertised their goal. It felt as if they quickly realised there was nothing to fear. Strelec took a header away from the better-placed Juraj Kucka on a free-kick; David Hancko was twice close to making low crosses count and Lukas Haraslin had a shot blocked by Guéhi, Trippier completing a clearance.

England were scrambled and they had it all to do when Stones and Guéhi went for the same aerial ball, Kucka winning it above the latter. Strelec released Schranz in behind Guéhi and the finish was straightforward.

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England were better after the ­second-half restart, bringing a higher tempo. Phil Foden had the ball in the net from a left-footed Trippier cross only for the VAR to pull him back for offside. Kane saw a shot deflect wide. And yet England continued to frustrate and look brittle. Walker and Stones – who were both awfully off-key – contrived a ludicrous mix‑up that, with Pickford off his line, allowed Strelec to shoot from halfway. He was narrowly off target.

Southgate introduced Cole Palmer for Trippier, moving Bukayo Saka to left-back. It was the manager going for broke, everything on the line. The tension pulsed. Could England manufacture something?

They did but it did not look like being enough. Kane sent a gilt-edged header wide from a Foden cross and Declan Rice rattled the post from outside the box, Kane ­volleying the rebound down and over. ­Bellingham, though, had not read the script about what would have been the most inglorious of exits, one to rival Iceland 2016.

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Slovakia will not enjoy watching the replays, too many of their ­defenders sucked towards Guéhi on Walker’s all-or-nothing throw-in. When Guéhi made the most important flick-on of his life, it was over to Bellingham. Cue delirium.

Jude Bellingham

Moments earlier, Southgate had introduced Toney for Foden, ­switching to a 3-5-2 formation. Eze went to left wing-back; now it was Saka at right wing-back. It was Toney who made the difference at the start of extra time, teeing up Kane and thereafter it was a case of England seeing out the game.

Southgate went to 5-4-1, Ezri Konsa on the left of defence, Conor Gallagher in midfield. Toney might have scored a third at the very end only to lash high. ­England live to fight another day.

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Once foxes come, they’re here to stay | Urban wildlife

Geraldine Blake wonders how to get rid of the rat in her garden (Letters, 28 June). When foxes took up residence in my garden, burrowing and undermining the wall, I rang Camden council. A wonderfully cheerful voice assured me, “Oh yes, we have a leaflet about that. We’ll post it to you.” And sure enough, it arrived shortly afterwards. “Learning to live with foxes”, it was called.
Judith Flanders
Montreal, Canada

Since I was recently bitten on the finger by a dog through a letterbox, I have used David Harper’s spatula method (Letters, 27 June). You do need to keep a tight grip: dogs have stolen two of my spatulas so far – but I do still have all my fingers.
Tim Lidbetter

Never mind protecting leaflet-deliverers from letterboxes, how about vice-versa? Someone managed to wrench off the outer flap of mine, dumping it and vanishing before I could get downstairs to investigate the sounds of rattling and scraping. And it was (ugh) a Reform leaflet.
James Mitchell
Farnham, Surrey

Whoever had the idea for Joe Biden to meet the press in a Waffle House after the TV debate deserves a medal (Biden’s dire debate performance spurs anguished calls to withdraw from race, 29 June).
David Duell
High Shincliffe, Durham

Now that “clout bombing” has been explained, perhaps Marion Kuit (Letters, 27 June) could supply a definition of the term “Milliganesque”, for the benefit of younger readers?
William Bailey
Sydney, Australia

Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.

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