George Monbiot, whom I generally greatly respect, sounds more outraged by the RSPCA than by the factory farms, or the supermarkets that support them, or the legislation that allows people to torture birds and animals on a mass scale (How Britainâs oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale, 18 June). He tries and finds guilty a charity that raises its funds through small shops and donations, and is dependent on volunteers, for not standing up to big business interests. Instead of criticising the RSPCA, dare I suggest that those of us who care about this could join those volunteers, and help support their aims for a cruelty-free country from a place of solidarity?
Sushila Dhall
Thanks to George Monbiot for highlighting this iniquitous RSPCA Assured scheme for animal-rearing. It makes me so angry when I see this displayed in places like Marks & Spencer. Chris Packham should condemn the misuse of animals very publicly and resign as its president.
Molly Sendall
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear