The magic man – part 1. David Copperfield’s alleged victims speak out – podcast | News

The celebrated American magician David Copperfield has been accused by 16 women of engaging in sexual misconduct and inappropriate behaviour, according to a Guardian US investigation.

Lawyers for Copperfield denied all the allegations of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour. They described the allegations against him as “false and entirely without foundation”. They also said there had been “numerous false claims” made against him in the past, but that none had been proved. They noted that he had never been charged with a crime.

The lawyers said inappropriate behaviour against women “is the opposite of everything he stands for and works hard for”. They said Copperfield was a major advocate of women’s rights even before the rise of the #MeToo movement.

Magician David Copperfield

Composite: REX/Getty

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The inaccessible and abandoned islands of New York – in pictures | Art and design

Photographer Phillip Buehler, who captured the death of the American mall in a 2022 photo series, has a new exhibition of pictures from the last 50 years that trace the often forgotten history of the islands surrounding Manhattan. No Man Is an Island: Poetry in the Ruins of the New York Archipelago is now on show until 23 June at the Front Room Gallery in New York.

  • Words and photographs by Phillip Buehler
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