On These Magic Shores: exploring spaces for children’s play – in pictures | Environment

The photographer Tamsyn Warde explores spaces in which children play in Hampshire, UK, examining how and where they play and where play belongs in their lives. Spontaneous play is child-led and sparked by their own imaginations and interests – and this kind of play evolves naturally when children have the opportunity, requiring time that is not dictated by an adult timetable, and freedom of an appropriate space close to home

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‘A distressing reality’: our beautiful planet under threat – in pictures | Art and design

Taken in Ampara, Sri Lanka, this photograph exposes a distressing reality: due to the reduction of natural habitats and the absence of efficient waste management, elephants are attracted to eat garbage dangerously close to human habitation. Plastic waste threatens their lives, yet currently there’s no effective solution. Waste accumulation near forests lures elephants, and many other animals, away from their natural habitats, jeopardising their safety. During Danthanarayana’s exploration, a small elephant was found, hurt by a homemade explosive

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The inaccessible and abandoned islands of New York – in pictures | Art and design

Photographer Phillip Buehler, who captured the death of the American mall in a 2022 photo series, has a new exhibition of pictures from the last 50 years that trace the often forgotten history of the islands surrounding Manhattan. No Man Is an Island: Poetry in the Ruins of the New York Archipelago is now on show until 23 June at the Front Room Gallery in New York.

  • Words and photographs by Phillip Buehler
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Week in wildlife – in pictures: a lazy leopard, a moonwalking elephant and hitchhiking ducklings | Environment

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